Color Splash Portraits - Painting Process

in Sketchbook2 years ago

Portrait a/b
Acrylic on canvas
60 x 50 cm

The main goal for this artistic attempt was to make the viewer laugh by painting two portraits and try to establish the communication between the two, when paintings are being located one opposite the other. This was the exact way I was painting them. One opposite the other, simultaneously, in order to create the same kind of atmosphere and effects in both of these paintings.

My basic intention was to create to revive the feeling and to create the piece that would make the viewer laugh. For starters, I had taken a couple of photographs of my friend and I, which I used as a template later on. Working with the help of the photography enabled me to capture the micro expressions that add to creating the atmosphere I wish.

Exchanging messages only by the way we look at someone is possible, mostly in cases, with people we know pretty well. Being my oldest friend from the childhood, the second lady in the painting was chosen to be "looking back at me".
The looks I appreciate are the ones which happen in the moments where you Are Not Suppose To Laugh. That is the moment I wanted to show within these two characters, with the intention of reviving it and Maybe transferring it to the viewer :)

See other artworks on @petraa Connect!

Thank you for your time
Have a lovely day:)


I loved how you did the whole process, the depth of the painting, how you executed the lights and shadows, everything is very beautiful, it fascinates me, xoxo 💋💖

Thank you very much @thelosthouse, your comment is so lovely..🙏 It makes me so happy to see you loved the process and way the paintings turned out in the end🌻

This is very awesome
I don't know how to paint but wish to learn

Hihi, dear @paulyoung1, thank you. I appreciate the comment and encourage you to learn how to paint; ( I bet you would be great) !🙂

Oh whoa... You're pretty talented in painting. This is literally amazing!
U know what, i can only drawing, not painting. 😅 I think i should try to learn painting too.

Nice post btw. Keep it up 👍🏻👍🏻

@frianz13 Thank you very much for the compliment.🙏 Well, if you know how to draw, than you are a half way done :) I am totally cheering for you to develop your talent further