Today I want to share with you a new drawing, it is a play of light and shadow in an image that I really liked.
I wanted to practice a bit with reflections and gradients to draw out-of-focus and illuminated shadows through the glass.
- I made a simple sketch using an HB pencil, as I am going to work with charcoal, I barely noticed the lines because many times the brightness of the graphite is marked when we paint over it with charcoal,
for this reason is that my sketches are very opaque
- When it comes to drawings where there are many dark areas, I like to start by painting everything black,
I usually use those strong stains as a starting point and then paint with the brush. So I can make gradients from the black spot.
- Here you can see how I used gradients from the black spots to make the glass texture.
This texture is represented with reflections and lots of lights.
- I made some white lines in the light areas to show the shape of the glass, the same lines were made in the dark areas but painting black lines, so you can see through the shadow.
It is a bit difficult to explain but, the light hitting the circular shape of the glass, something is created in the shadows that allows us to define the shape. What I mean is that the parts with shadows are not totally black, there is always a little reflected light.
- You can see in the shadow, that the center is illuminated.
This is the effect that glass creates, I could observe many times in different examples, that the light hits a body but it surrounds it creating a small point of light in the center of the shadow. Scientifically this has an explanation but I am just a artist xD.
To simplify the background, I used the brush and with the graphite powder I painted in order to create a blur, to give more relevance to the glass.
These drawings are very simple but beautiful, they not only create a visual appeal, but also help us to interpret the objects and how light interacts with them.
The tricky part is understanding how it works and trying to put it on paper.
The Tools:
- Charcoal Pencil (Medium).
- Charcoal Powder.
- A4 Opaline 180G.
- Brush.
Thank you very much for getting here, I hope you like this little drawing, Soon I will bring you a much more elaborate drawing.
Se you to the next post!
Roll Out!

Excellent work friend, I congratulate you, you captured the glass and lights effect very well, I invite you to visit my blog and give me your opinion of my last drawing work, greetings friend