ve nada, en lo absoluto.
¿Me veo a mi mismo completamente?
Puede si; puede que no. Tan solo,
quisiera ver lo que hay más allá de
Es triste no poder comprender tus
sentimientos, que no valoren lo que
llegues a sentir e incluso, ignorarte
a penas intentar iniciar una conversación.
Solo queda esa luz; una luna, en la que
puedes mirar las veces que puedes. Para
darte cuenta que esos malos ratos, solo
son pasajeros y que, tampoco duran para
A part of the darkness, you can't see
see nothing at all.
Do I see myself completely?
Maybe; maybe not. I just,
I'd like to see what's beyond
It's sad not to be able to understand your
feelings, that they don't value what you
you feel and even, to ignore you
to even try to start a conversation.
There is only that light left; a moon, in which you can look as often as you can.
you can look at as often as you can. To
realize that those bad times are only temporary
are only temporary and that they don't last forever.
Proceso / Process:
I love it😍.I love you😘
I love you. n.n
This is beautiful.
Thanks! n.n