"Don't blame yourself for losing them...."
He pasado por situaciones como esta, en la que no te valoran lo suficiente o no aprecian el tiempo que les das en charlas, consolaciones, etc. El punto es que si has pasado por esto antes, no te menosprecies a ti mismo (a). Estas cosas pasan y, no es por tu culpa, es de ellos que no te valoran como es debido. Así que, sigue adelante, puede doler un poco, pero verás que habrá válido la pena.
I've been through situations like this, where they don't value you enough or don't appreciate the time you give them in talks, consolations, etc. The point is, if you have been through this before, don't put yourself down. These things happen and, it's not your fault, it's theirs that they don't value you enough. So, move on, it may hurt a little, but you will see that it will be worth it.
"Blame them for losing you."