Old Old John must have passed quite young if New Old John is an only child O_O
There always has to be an Old John (or Old Someone) in these places that knows everything there is to know about everything there is to know anything about XD

Old Old John must have passed quite young if New Old John is an only child O_O
There always has to be an Old John (or Old Someone) in these places that knows everything there is to know about everything there is to know anything about XD
Yes, as I was 'meeting' Old John (When I'm sketching and drawing these creatures they kind of reveal their lives to me haha) I saw he had to become 'old' quite young and that his father (first OLD John) dies younger but lived very open and joyful but then it made new Old John more guarded and introspective.
I like the idea of a character that can almost be the omnipotent narrator in a way, not really, but someone you could go back to , to fill in missing pieces in a story.