Yay for getting on NFT showroom :D
I don't think too many people started out amazing, you just have to start and keep going XD and possibly be prepared for a lot of repeat work as your skills develop and you decide previous pics need to be redone with your new improved skill level ;D
That eye is not bad :) Eyes are hard!

Thank you lovely, I am just having a lot of fun and fulfilling something I've wanted to try for years so for me it's a win-win! I have and do get frustrated with it still and I assume that will continue for some time as well. As for the eye, it really helps to follow instructions lol, if I have rules I can work on things it's not knowing what I'm doing wrong that gets me annoyed most often like why isn't this doing what I want it to... I agree eyes are really hard, I'm so stoked it turned out so well, I really didn't think I'd be able to do it after my initial attempts, but I really do well with breaking things down into tiny sections, if I can get that fraction right then I can move on with the next, I tell you it's a good thing I'm so pedantic when it comes to things like this won't stop until I think it's as good as I can get it. <3
Try not to let the pendanticness slow you down too much. I have exactly no advice on how to go about this as I haven't figured it out yet XD