![Diseño con tipografias.png](https://images.hive.blog/768x0/https://files.peakd.com/file/peakd-hive/samuelprart/23wWwRQ9BAZUqva5pDJQGTVsaVkcG1xWctNnrzwUpBT36FMURq31VipSSXESQYzxWEXhb.png)
Cueva del Guácharo , which is a natural monument that exists in Venezuela, Monagas state, specifically in the Caripe municipality. I want to tell you a little about him. As a curious fact about this site, I would like you to know that it is the First Natural Monument of Venezuela and one of the largest and most visited caves in the country. Its geological and biological value is immeasurable, as well as for caving (science that studies the natural cavities of the subsoil), and it has been internationally recognized as the World Sanctuary of the Steatornis Caripensis or Guácharo Bird, and one of the most beautiful in the world.Greetings, dear community and friends of #Hive and #Sketchbook! 🌟 This time I want to share with you this digital illustration that I made of the
I made this particular design for a notebook. It was made entirely in the Adobe Illustrator program, and consists of a mixture of vectors to shape the design as such. In the following images you can see the design without the typography.
Diseño de la parte Frontal
Front side design
![Diseño principal.png](https://images.hive.blog/768x0/https://files.peakd.com/file/peakd-hive/samuelprart/23xAXkh2Zt93jQ1wYppwPN7uoj4uEUcro8vsEkabsw2fpDbE49gP1KvQ3DyUgNQfmXdgG.png)
Esta cueva esta caracterizada por presentar formación de estalactitas en su interior, que cuelgan en paredes y techos, generando un ecosistema único en su interior. además, la cueva es recorrida por un rio, y en su interior presenta galerías y salas cuyas condiciones atmosféricas pueden variar, creando una experiencia completamente única en el visitante.
This cave is characterized by the formation of stalactites inside, which hang on walls and ceilings, generating a unique ecosystem inside. In addition, the cave is crossed by a river, and inside it presents galleries and rooms whose atmospheric conditions can vary, creating a completely unique experience for the visitor.
Diseño de la parte Posterior
Back design
![Diseño parte posterior.png](https://images.hive.blog/768x0/https://files.peakd.com/file/peakd-hive/samuelprart/23xyJkJAj4UKYxoR4USrW9MsHU8J2Nss3VGMQVPvneazThCsTqMQZxpcqcWFevQ56h28h.png)
Para el diseño posterior de la libreta, se destaca El Cacao, el cual es muy característico del municipio Caripe, donde se cultiva y cosecha Cacao, Café, entre otras cosas, como actividad principal de agricultura y exportan a los demás estados.
For the design of the back cover, cocoa stands out, which is very characteristic of the Caripe municipality, where Cacao, Coffee, among other things, are grown and harvested as the main agricultural activity and exported to other states.
Iconos para el Fondo
icons for background
Para el fondo, realicé vectores digitales de alimentos tradicionales de Venezuela como tal y del Estado Monagas, tales como la empanada, el café, fresas con cremas (muy populares en Caripe), la arepa y el cacao.
For the background, I made digital vectors of traditional foods from Venezuela as such and from the Monagas State, such as empanada, coffee, strawberries with creams (very popular in Caripe), arepa and cocoa.
Montaje Final en el Formato Libreta
Final Assembly in the Notebook Format
Por ultimo, junté todos los elementos antes mostrados, en el formato de la libreta.
Finally, I put together all the elements shown above, in the format of the notebook.
Mock Ups
Espero que les haya gustado esta publicación y no olviden ser felices y hacer lo que les apasiona, la vida es muy corta y a veces perdemos el tiempo y no lo aproechamos de la mejor manera, espero que todos se encuentren bien, y les deseo una feliz semana, cuidense mucho!.
I hope you liked this publication and do not forget to be happy and do what you are passionate about, life is very short and sometimes we waste time and do not use it in the best way, I hope everyone is well, and I wish you a happy week, take good care of yourself!