Hola amigos.
Hoy estoy muy feliz y quiero compartir contigo esta bonita experiencia.
Fui invitada a un evento cultural ecológico, en el cual se pretendía concientizar a las personas de la importancia de conservar ecosistemas, en este caso, los nacimientos de agua.
Hello friends.
Today I am very happy and I want to share with you this beautiful experience.
I was invited to an ecological cultural event, in which it was intended to make people aware of the importance of conserving ecosystems, in this case, the springs of water
Fue algo tan inspirador y de mucho aprendizaje, por eso me gustaría que fuera replicado en muchas partes del mundo.
Visitamos 3 nacimientos de agua, en ellos debíamos identificar su estado, la fauna y flora que lo rodeaba y los cuidados que les daban en la comunidad.
La segunda actividad era plantar, sembramos mas de 50 plantas que beneficiarian la vida en el sector.
y por último recibimos una insignia en forma de mariposa, que nos convierte en protectores de la biodiversidad
It was something so inspiring and a lot of learning, that's why I would like it to be replicated in many parts of the world.
We visited 3 water springs, in which we had to identify their condition, the fauna and flora that surrounded them, and the care they were given in the community.
The second activity was planting, we planted more than 50 plants that would benefit life in the sector.
and finally we received a badge in the shape of a butterfly, which makes us protectors of biodiversity
fortuna de ser elegida como ilustradora del evento, y por eso te he traido los resultados de las ilustraciones que representan cada experiencia vivida
I was also fortunate to be chosen as the illustrator of the event, and that is why I have brought you the results of the illustrations that represent each experience lived
#arteconproposito #artwithpurpose
Awesome! What an amazing and educational experience! So proud of you for being a protector of biodiversity and spreading awareness. Keep it up!