[es-eng] los dibujos incompletos del 2024 - the incomplete drawings of 2024

in Sketchbook2 months ago
Authored by @SaraU


Como ilustradores siempre, aunque no lo queramos, tenemos una gran lista al final del año de dibujos que no terminamos por alguna razón. algunos por feos, esos no los compartiré, algunos porque no conectamos con el resultado al que está legando,pero yo, tengo estos porque he estado pasando por un gran bloque creativo, pero aún así me obligaba a dibujar, lo que fuera y al final el bloqueo ganaba la batalla.
Hoy traigo las ilustraciones del año pasado que no terminé

As illustrators, even if we don't want to, we always have a long list at the end of the year of drawings that we didn't finish for some reason. some because they are ugly, I won't share those, some because we don't connect with the result to which it is bequeathing, but me, I have these because I have been going through a big creative block, but I still forced myself to draw, whatever it was and in the end the blockade won the battle.
Today I bring the illustrations from last year that I didn't finish

Sentí que no era mi estilo de dibujo, no sé por qué

I felt like it wasn't my drawing style, I don't know why

No los he abandonado, tal vez algun día los retome

I haven't abandoned them, maybe one day I'll pick them up again.

Me gustó mucho el boceto, temía que lo iba a arruinar con el color

I really liked the sketch, I was afraid I was going to ruin it with the color

Arruiné la página?

I arruined the page?

Creé estos dos personajes para hacer una historia y hacer varias ilustraciones en las que interactuaran, parecía auna gran idea en su momento

I created these two characters to make a story and make several illustrations in which they interact. It still seemed like a great idea at the time.


ohh it's cool that you have that storybook kind of sketch style ^^