[esp-eng] participé en un taller sobre plantas sagradas - I participated in a workshop on sacred plants

in Sketchbook8 months ago
Authored by @SaraU


El día de ayer tuve una experiencia muy interesante, resulta que en los ultimos meses había escuchado mucho y a la vez muy poco sobre plantas sagradas, muchas personas las mencionaban pero yo no entraba mucho en el tema, también sigo en redes sociales a coaches espirituales que hablaban sobre ellas, pero no había prestado mucha atención, entonces ví que cerca de mi casa harían un taller ilustrado sobre plantas sagradas, yo y mi curiosidad.
Nos hablaron de qué son las plantas sagradas, nos mostraron libros para entrar mas en el tema, nos contaron historias de los indigenas y los usos de estas plantas, hicimos una ilustración botanica de la hayahuasca y finalmente haríamos una ilustración que representara lo que imaginabamos sería vivir esa experiencia, aunque algunos en el grupo ya la habían vivido.
Para mi fue algo nuevo, aprendí mucho, aunque reconozco que no quedé con el deseo de probarlas

Yesterday I had a very interesting experience, it turns out that in recent months I had heard a lot and at the same time very little about sacred plants, many people mentioned them but I did not go into the topic much, I also follow spiritual coaches on social networks who They were talking about them, but I hadn't paid much attention, then I saw that near my house they were going to do an illustrated workshop on sacred plants, me and my curiosity.
They talked to us about what sacred plants are, they showed us books to get more into the subject, they told us stories about the indigenous people and the uses of these plants, we made a botanical illustration of the hayahuasca and finally we would make an illustration that represented what we imagined it would be. live that experience, although some in the group had already lived it.
For me it was something new, I learned a lot, although I admit that I did not have the desire to try them.





Manually curated by brumest from the @qurator Team. Keep up the good work!

I see you use the Angel's Trumpet (diablo datura. As Carlos Castaneda says in his books, you must befriend the magical plant before you mouth the Angel's Trumpet!

wow, I didn't know about that information, in my country it is a flower they call borrachero, that flower has hallucinogenic toxins and they told a story related to that plant, for that reason I added it to the illustration. I would like to know more about what you mentioned.

Like I said, Carlos Castaneda. He was a disciple of Don Juan. He had to learn everything about Ängla's trumpet and pyote. He is great in the spiritual world! I think he wrote over 10 books on the subject!