The flying little one in blue (oil on paper)

Hello hivers, an happy Saturday to you all!
Another sunny warm day here and it's so nice to start my day drinking my first coffee of the day in my backyard, watching the bees and the birds flying around the flowers on the branches of my plum tree.
This morning, after I gave food to my furry friend Richy (now he's sleeping hard in a corner of my backyard), I thought it was time to paint a new flying little ones in my own illustrative style and, in the following pics, you can see the final result of my daily painting:



As you can see, the subject is a little one with a rounded head,large eyes and a blue dress with a delicate white collar. For my previous similar ones I chose to paint some clouds on the background, but this time I decided to paint a plant in the same shades of colors of the dress.
It's an oil painting (with just some touches of white ink) on 200 gsm paper in A4 size and, like I use to do for you, I took some pics while I was painting this artwork on my small working table so you can see the process too:





Soon I'll add this new artwork to my Artfinder shop (link at the bottom), hoping it will find a new home where to be loved!

I hope you like it!
See ya soon and stay safe,

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Greetings Dear Silvia, xx

What a lovely artwork....She is too cute! ^__^

How very fine the leaves and vine look in the painting...generating the desired movement you were after....she is in the air.

Kind Regards,


NB What a kind deed on your part....appreciate the reblog of my post...thank you!

Thanks so much for your words, dear Bluejay! I appreciated them so much. ❤️

manual arts
