Time for a funny cat (oil on cardboard)

Hello hivers, an happy Thursday to you all!
It's raining again here in my area, but not so hard like it happened in the previous week so it's ok.
The sky is full of dark clouds, but I can add some different colors around methanks my brushes and oil colors.

Yesterday, during the lesson of the art class in my lab (my hubby is an art teacher too), I worked on a funny cat in my own illustrative style and today I can show you the final result:



The idea to createthis "cat head" came to me thinking about the large paper dolls I made for my solo exhibition in August. I sold a couple of them just after the exhibition and yesterday I tought to work on a paer doll in form of cat. I cut the shape of the head on cardboard and I'm satisfied by the result, so I don't know if it will be just an head or if I will add the entire body to it in the next days. I have tto think about what I will do. ^_^
It's an oil painting on 400 gsm paper and, like I use to do, I took some pics while I was painted it so you can see the process too:





I hope you like it and, if you want, stay tuned to see my next new artworks !
See ya soon and stay safe,

***If you like my artworks, you can find them on my online shops on
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Suspicious figure, dressed up too!

I can see how you all have been talking about the rain
I love rain though and your artwork looks cool

The cat is has a funny look indeed, it's beautiful. The face it carries reminds me of an animated movie "puss in boots"

Thanks, @iskawrites ! While I was painting it I had the tale about cat in boots in my mind. ^_^

Lovely little kitty. I love the way you made her eyes look real.

Thanks so much, Maxwell! ^_^

That's a very cute cat god. I like how you made it. Thanks for sharing such creative ideas.