Have a nice day! May has already come, and I'm still drawing pictures with funny animals, landscapes for kids, or just my ideas in small sketches :-) The format for creativity is small, only 25x13, but it's not canvas or paper, but ordinary plywood.
Today I will show you my happy flamingos!
There is an opinion among the people that these birds bring happiness and good luck in people's lives. If you have ever seen them in the wild, then you will be very happy in life. Of course, now you can only see them in the zoo. They don't live in the vicinity of cities... A pity.
I drew this picture quickly, probably in an hour. Yes, here the size did not allow me to use all my imagination :-)
The main thing then was to add water, paint the feathers and draw fish around the standing birds.
I really like to paint bright pictures, that's why I have different flamingos. And around them everything shimmers in bright rainbow shades.
This is my second experience of drawing these birds. The first one was like this :-) But then they were not so bright because it was important for me to write a bright sunset and the birds remained in the shade... Today I gave them the brightest feathers that could be thought of.
I hope this picture will not leave you indifferent :-)
And of course you have noticed how my creations change every year?
I think in about 5 years I will definitely have my own exhibition hall or even an author's gallery, although in the kindergarten where I take my paintings they are already interested in the name of a creative artist who creates the most joyful and unforgettable moments for kids.
Of course, my new picture was accompanied by a story about these proud and stately birds, I also came up with a story with a riddle...
And it was the child who solved it and became the owner of this painting to decorate his locker, in which he leaves his top things.
I really bring different interpretations of my painting to the kids.
- Take a look at some of them.
And artificial intelligence also helped me that's his art.
After all, I learned how to create, do I need artists now?
If you like my drawings, then check them out here!
Thank you for supporting me in my work! Your advice helps me a lot!
I published many of my works in this portfolio on the website "Deviant Art", and in General, during the year of painting, I drew more than 160 paintings, of course some of them are just drawings, so to speak, a sample of the brush :-)
But there are also good paintings that have received approval even from professional masters of painting!
I appreciate Your feedback and comments.
I wish you luck and have a nice day!
Best wishes!

фото, где люди смотрят на вашу картину, как на выставке, работает как настоящая визуализация:)
искренне вам желаю исполнения такого желания, ваши работы достойны внимания непременно!💚
Спасибки тебе за внимание :-)
Very beautiful 🤗! I love it when you share the whole process. Greetings @singa 🌞
I'm glad you liked it. Thanks for attention.
здорово!!! очень классные фламинго!!!! я еще ни разу не пробовала их изобразить. это так прикольно, когда ты показываешь свои первые работы с чем-либо. сразу виден большой прогресс. представляю как рад был тот ребенок!!!! а какую историю ты придумала? 😀
...про рыбку, которая не послушалась свою маму и уплыла далеко от дома, а потом стала лакомством для такого вот красивого фламинго... Мораль послушания так сказать :-)
Дети любят мои истории по-моему даже больше чем картины :-) .
Честно признаться почему-то с ними мало занимаются воспитатели.
У них день расписан по часам и на простое общение с ребёнком совсем не остаётся времени.
Мне вот уделяют всего 30 минут в неделю, потому я особо и не тороплюсь с остальными картинкам, зато когда прихожу к ним, то они все бегут навстречу с такой радостью...
это так здорово!!! дети очень мощный индикатор. да, у воспитателей много обязанностей. это чудесно, что им пришла в голову идея с твоими рисунками, а ты еще в добавок и истории прикольные придумываешь. умничка просто!!!! 😀
Very beautiful flamingos!
Thanks :-)