Hola, Hivers. Bienvenidos a un nuevo post. Recientemente he estado experimentando con estilos de dibujo diferentes y en esta oportunidad hice una ilustración de estilo flat o plano, uno muy usado en las redes sociales, y este fue el resultado.
Hello Hivers. Welcome to a new post. Recently I have been experimenting with different drawing styles and this time I made a flat style illustration, one widely used in social networks, and this was the result.
① Boceto:
La aplicación que uso para ilustrar es Ibis Paint desde mi celular, bocetar en la pantalla tan pequeña me resulta incomodo, por lo que siempre hago mis bocetos iniciales de la forma tradicional.
① Sketch:
The application I use to illustrate is Ibis Paint from my cell phone, sketching on such a small screen is uncomfortable for me, so I always do my initial sketches in the traditional way.
② Color Base:
Escogí una paleta de colores llamativa, común en el diseño flat, y los combiné lo mejor que pude en los diferentes complementos del dibujo. Usé un rotulador fuerte, predeterminado de la app para ello.
② Base Color:
I chose a striking color palette, common in flat design, and combined them as best I could in the different accessories of the drawing. I used a strong, default app pen for this.
③ Sombreado:
Ya que tengo solo un personaje, hice un sombreado plano en las zonas de la cara y cuerpo donde usualmente van ubicadas. Es la primera vez que hago una sombra tan dura, pero el color encajó bien con el color de piel y funciona. Apenas un poco de profundidad en la parte interna del cabello y en la parte frontal de la frente.
③ Shading:
Since I only have one character, I flat-shaded the areas of the face and body where they are usually located. It's the first time I've done such a hard shadow, but the color matched well with the skin color and it works. Just a little bit of depth in the inner part of the hair and in the front part of the forehead.
④ Detalles:
Ya que este estilo no lleva muchos detalles, decidí hacer simples líneas en las hojas y algunas sombras en los costados para darles dimensión. Me tomó solo dos horas completar el diseño, y eso fue realmente un alivio, es un estilo rápido que me permite invertir corto tiempo en buenas ilustraciones.
④ Details:
Since this style doesn't go into much detail, I decided to do simple lines on the leaves and some shadows on the sides to give them dimension. It took me only two hours to complete the design, and that was really a relief, it's a quick style that allows me to spend a short time on good illustrations.

Si llegaste hasta aquí, gracias por visitar y apreciar mi trabajo. Nos vemos pronto.
If you made it this far, thank you for visiting and appreciating my work. See you soon.
I've seen this drawing style a lot especially as icons and illustrations for banners and posters. How do you paint from phone? do you use special pen?
Yes, it is a very used style nowadays. I use a stylus that I made myself so I can draw on my phone. The application I am using is Ibis Paint.
Simple shading but it's so beautiful 🤩. The colours are just Wow!
Nice work :)
Wow. I got amazed at how you people draw and do art that fast. You've got talent and skill. Thanks for sharing that with us. 🥰
That is adorable drawing. I’m blown away with what we’re able to create with technology these days. Your original sketch is beautiful too 💙