This is another beautiful painting I just concluded. The idea was to paint some rooftops but somehow I found myself painting a view far from Urban settings.
Somehow I don't really find the painting fulfilling, perhaps it's because I didn't engage much colours since I am a colourist but at the same time, the actual message of the painting would have been lost of I hadn't stick to the colour scheme I used. All the same, it was a beautiful attempt for me!

Kindly share your thoughts as comments below, I'll be glad to read and reply them all. Thanks.
@tezzmax it looks nice and decent painting but what was the idea behind this? rooftops changed to urban village. Well, I am just asking because I am not good in getting the exact point behind paintings.
This isn't urban. I initially wanted to paint some random rooftops until I found myself in a desert. 🤣
hahaha you found yourself in a good place then ;)
Lol... Thank you friend.
@tezzmax this is just amazing man..nice one
Thank you Joy.
Looks really beautiful!! You can feel the spaces in the land , shows distance and solid colors !! Great job
Thank you for the nice comment Breezy.