At first glance, I had no idea there was any old book page underneath those beautiful flowers. Standing alone, they'd probably be too simple but look at them on the inscripitions of peieces of a book, amazing. I'd definitely put this up on my wall. A master piece in truth, a rare one from where I'm standing.
It surprised me when I realised you made that yourself, but then I should've known you're an artist yourself, you visit art galleries quite often.
Cool stuff ❤️
You're right, those flowers on a plain white paper would look simple. The paper gives them some extra and that's the main idea here. I wouldn't call it masterpiece, but it was a lot of fun and gave me an idea for the next one, that will be more interesting. Lol and I'm not an artist, I wouldn't go that far. I just like to experiment.
😄 Well I would, and I have. I'd say I'll look out for the next one you speak of but I'm probably days late so I'll just look it up 😁.