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RE: VEERA @artforhive

in Sketchbook3 years ago

Welcome to HIVE. Your blog has some really fine imsges.

I think you would get more upvotes if you added a paragraph to each post. Most of the large accounts on HIVE temper their upvotes based on what they read about the image.

I see that you used the #creativecoin tag. This tag is intended for use by artists sharing their work. I assume that you are the artist who created the images in your blog.

Historically, HIVE has had problems with copyright violations. Plagriarists will post images found on the web or other sources without attributing the author.

If you did not create the image on you post, you need to cite the source. IT is good to link to the source of the image with info on the license that gives you right to use the image.

The large accounts assume a picture without text were plagiarized. HiveWatchers has been known to blacklist accounts simply because the failed to cite the source of the images.

BTW: One can use art from other sources if one has acquired the rights to republish the art and the account attributes the creator.

Note if you draw an image based on a tracing from a photo, you need to attribute the source of the photograph.

If you drew a picture based on a photo that you took, it is best to include the original photo in the post.

You may notice that many of the most successful artists on HIVE include pictures of the work in progress to help establish proof of work.

Artists often include info on the materials used to create the image along with the date of the creation.

Anyway I would like to repeat the Welcome to HIVE message.

The site is supportive of emerging artists. Unfortunately, historical problems with plagiarism force artists to provide "proof of art" with the images they create.

Adding a paragraph that talks about the medium, date of creation and source of any reference images used in the picture is helpful.