in Sketchbook3 years ago

IMG_20220603_103414_380.jpg [image source] (me).

I was inspired by African mothers,that where I drew my inspiration from,motherhood is really great joy that we women carry with so much love.
It's seriously not an easy's a journey that will change everything in our life's. Been inspired by an African mother my mother I want to talk about the way the protect there baby's,in African mothers protect there baby's while working by backing them,by doing so we form these very special bond with you baby.seriously women are strength. Am aspiring to become one great mother like my mother.
And below is a proof of my work😊

IMG_20220603_013535.jpg [image source] (me).
So I kicked off my beautiful sketch with my sketch paper.and all my set of pen.

IMG_20220603_015318.jpg [image source] (me).

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IMG_20220603_102859_063.jpg [image source] (me).

All was done with a ball pen of three color black, blue and red.

      It is the three and last slide for me what about you.let get so interactive on the comment section so tell me what you love about motherhood in African and the whole world.

  See you all in my next publication❤