Hello there! Don't know if you noticed, but once in a blue moon I get back over here to write about some stuff I've been working on/I've played revently. This time, I bring you a work in progress project for my Master's Degree.
As you may or may not know, I am a huge Prince of Persia fan (which does't seem to be a very cheerful thing nowadays), as shown by a series of posts I made a while back ( this collection ), hence when I had to chose what 3D model to create for a course, I opted for the Dagger of Time. The model was made in Maya 2018 using a student license, and I'm not going to lie, the interface of the program is atrocious. Thankfully, @cm0isa helped me out quite a lot with the controls and quick menus of Maya. As a final mention, the two of us will be working on a game as our diploma project and this model will be present in that game in some capacity.
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