Akvarel kao emocija💙Watercolor as an emotion

in Sketchbooklast month (edited)

Ono što me najviše inspiriše u akvarelu je njegova nepredvidljivost i sloboda...

What inspires me most in watercolor is its unpredictability and freedom..


Njegova transparentna slojevitost priča o prolaznosti života...

Its transparent layering tells about the transience of life...


U isto vreme je i suptilan i snažan...i spontan i kontrolisan...

At the same time, it is subtle and strong...and spontaneous and controlled...


Slučajna kao može napraviti remek delo a može vam uništiti celu kompoziciju...

Random like it can make a masterpiece and it can destroy your whole composition...


...i baš zbog toga predstavlja veliki izazov za svakog umetnika.

...and that's why it represents a great challenge for every artist.

Pozdrav od Anke vragolanke.

Greetings from Anka vregolana!


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From your work I already know you have a beautiful eyes, damn i so love the reflecting highlights you gave in this painting. Those touch of light made this painting powerful.

Sounds like a professional review. I like it ☝️
Thanks my friend!