Blossoming magnolia.🌸

in Sketchbooklast year (edited)

Mislim da ne postoji ljudsko biće koje ne voli cveće. Ono ulepšava svet, poklanjamo ga dragoj osobi, nosimo na reveru, mirišemo ga, stavljamo u vazu, sadimo, a neko ga naslika. . .
Ja sam danas izabrala magnolije. Zašto? Odgovor je jednostavan, zato što ima najlepšu boju, nežan je, simboliše, čistoću, dostojanstvo i istrajnost. Nakon hladne zime odmah otvara svoje krupne cvetove na golim granama kojima niko ne može odoleti. Magnolije su omiljeno cveçe svih ljubitelja cveća. Evo i moje magnolije koju sam danas nacrtala. . .

I don't think there is a human being who doesn't like flowers. It beautifies the world, we give it to a loved one, wear it on our lapel, smell it, put it in a vase, plant it, and someone paints it. . .
I chose magnolias today. Why? The answer is simple, because it has the most beautiful color, it is gentle, it symbolizes purity, dignity and perseverance. After a cold winter, it immediately opens its large flowers on bare branches that no one can resist. Magnolias are the favorite flowers of all flower lovers. Here is my magnolia that I drew today. . .



Obično počinjem sliku skicom ali za ovaj nežan cvet nisam htela da ograničavam linijom. Želela sam da bude slobodan i nežan.

I usually start a painting with a sketch, but for this delicate flower I didn't want to limit it with a line. I wanted him to be free and gentle.



Iako sam koristila blok za skiciranje olovkom, bio je dovoljne debljine da upije vodene boje. Efekat je bio odličan i očekivan. Cvet je delovao prozračno i prirodno. . .

Although I used a pencil sketch pad, it was thick enough to absorb the watercolors. The effect was excellent and expected. The flower seemed airy and natural. . .




Koristila sam nežne tonove ljubičaste, lila i roze. Trudila sam se razlivanjem tonova da dočaram nežnost ovog prelepog cveta. . .

I used soft tones of purple, lilac and pink. I tried to convey the tenderness of this beautiful flower by spreading the tones. . .




Magnolia se može formirati kao ukrasno drvo ili kao grm. Zavisi od prostora. Da li ste znali da cvet magnolije može da raste kao zvezda ili kao cvet lale? 🌷

Magnolia can be formed as an ornamental tree or as a shrub. It depends on the space. Did you know that a magnolia flower can grow like a star or like a tulip flower? 🌷





I dok sam vam pričala o ovom predivnom cvetu, završila sam sliku. Grančice, pupoljci, listovi. . .sve je tu.
Čak i miriše. . . Jer je sveža, sveže naslikana. . . 😁🌷💜



And while I was telling you about this beautiful flower, I finished the picture. Twigs, buds, leaves. . .everything is there.
It even smells. . . Because it is fresh, freshly painted. . . 😁🌷💜

Pozdrav od Anke vragolanke.

Greetings from Anka vregolana!


Thanks for sharing your creative process! I can smell the magnolia from your freshly painted artwork!! 😃

I have picked this post on behalf of the @OurPick project which will be highlighted in the next post!

Comment Footer.jpg

Thank you! I'm honored! 👋

wonderfull, i love your work

Thank you! 👋

This is simply beautiful 😍

Thank you from the heart @mipiano !


The way you use watercolors is just a work of art.

Thank you! 🎵💜