Čamci čekaju svoje ribare. The boats are waiting for their fishermen.

in Sketchbook9 months ago

Opet ja sa svojim čamcima 😁. Oni su kao moji kućni ljubimci. 🥰
Danas sam nacrtala čamce u ribarskom gradiću pored obale. Bilo je izazovno to sam ovog puta crtala i šume sa drvećem u daljini koje dočarava izuzetno svetlim tonovima što slikanje čini zabavnim.

Me again with my boats 😁. They are like my pets.
Today I drew boats in a fishing town by the coast. It was challenging because this time I also drew forests with trees in the distance that evoke extremely bright tones that make painting fun.
I'm starting.


Kao što možete da primetite, pomalo se igram i prirodnom svetlošću...

As you can see, I also play a bit with natural light...



Paralelno sam počela da radim drveće i more. Potpuno dva različita pokreta četkicom. More sam radila ravnim potezima horizontalno dok sam drveće crtala vrhom četkice u svim pravcima, vrlo suptilno.

In parallel, I started working on trees and the sea. Two completely different brush strokes. I did the sea with straight strokes horizontally while I drew the trees with the tip of the brush in all directions, very subtly.


A sada počinjem sa čamcima. Koristila sam svetle tonove plave, crvene i braon.

And now I start with the boats. I used light tones of blue, red and brown.


Moram priznati da sam u početku radila sa zadovoljstvom i sve je dobro išlo, a onda mi je malo pala koncentracija pa sam se malo namučila oko senki čamaca u vodi. Ali ne odustajem!

I have to admit that at first I worked with pleasure and everything went well, but then my concentration dropped a bit and I struggled a bit with the shadows of the boats in the water. But I'm not giving up!


Ok, rad je završen. Prizor je lep i umirujuće deluje, možda zato što mi to u ovom trenutku treba. 😁 Nije ispalo loše, naprotiv, uopšte nije loše. Upornost se isplatila. 🤗

Ok, job done. The scene is beautiful and soothing, maybe because I need it at this moment. 😁 It didn't turn out bad, on the contrary, it's not bad at all. Persistence paid off. 🤗

Pozdrav od Anke vragolanke.

Greetings from Anka vregolana!