Crno/bela zima 🖤🤍

in Sketchbooklast month (edited)

Volim minimalizam. Današnji crtež je posvećen upravo njemu. Ima jedna rečenica koju sam davno čula i mnogo mi se svidja: "Nekada je manje više".
Upravo to dokazuje i ovaj današnji akvarel, pa, pogledajte proces...

I love minimalism. Today's drawing is dedicated to him. There is a sentence that I heard a long time ago and I really like it: "Sometimes less is more".
Today's watercolor proves exactly that, well, look at the process...


Jako mi se dopada način na koji je predstavljena reka koja se probija kroz dubok sneg...

I really like the way the river is represented breaking through the deep snow


Počinje da dobija izgled slomljenog stakla,zar ne?
Baš sam uzbudjena...

It's starting to look like broken glass, isn't it?
I'm so excited...


Iz snega uglavnom prirodno viri po neka travka, šiblje, drvo...

Some grass, bushes, trees usually emerge naturally from the snow...


Volim kada se kraj reke gubi u daljini, ima nešto mistično i u isto vreme magično u tome...

I love when the end of the river is lost in the distance, there is something mystical and at the same time magical about it..



Ako se pitate, zašto crno? Zato što zimi voda često upravo tako izgleda kada je plavo nebo prekriveno maglom ili oblacima...

If you're wondering, why black? Because that's what water often looks like in winter when the blue sky is covered with fog or clouds...



Ubacila sam mrvicu braon boje, tek toliko da razbije monotoniju...

I added a little brown color, just enough to break the monotony...


Dodavanjem šiblja i drveća sa golim granama je bio pun pogodak.
Meni je danas ova neobično hladna zima sa rekom baš prijala. Kao da mi je to i trebalo...💙

Adding brush and trees with bare branches was a hit.
Today, this unusually cold winter with the river really pleased me. As if I needed that...💙

Pozdrav od Anke vragolanke.

Greetings from Anka vregolana!


Hey how interesting, here in the tropics is very difficult to experience so much cold, but thanks to your post I can imagine it hehe, good job! :D

Haha, thanks! 👌

Hey, let's switch? That, to help you feel the winter...😉

@edgarafernandezp 👋

haha I wish I had the resources, but traveling is a privilege. 👋

Next time...☝️😉

Bueno, ¡otra vez! 👋


waw... this sure looks amazing.I love the way you play with colours. You really inspire me to try color painting some time.well done

I'm glad to hear that.
I wish you much success!
