Još jedan ulični pejzaž. Još jedan sunčan dan u ulici. Ovog puta nema ljudi, valjda je pretopilo pa su se svi zavukli u svoje domove. 😉
Ne znam gde vodi ova ulica, ali sigurna sam na neko lepo mesto, možda na plažu?
Kakogod, evo procesa:
Another streetscape. Another sunny day in the street. This time there are no people, I guess it melted so everyone crawled into their homes. 😉
I don't know where this street leads, but I'm sure it goes somewhere nice, maybe the beach?
Anyway, here's the process:
Po bojama zidova, mogla bi biti Palma de Majorka. Žuti majorkanski kamen 😍☀️
By the colors of the walls, it could be Palma de Mallorca. Yellow Majorcan stone 😍☀️
A sada prelazimo na levu stranu ulice. S obzirom da je desna strana sunčana, leva će biti u senci...
And now we move to the left side of the street. Since the right side is sunny, the left will be in the shade...
Kao što vidite, uglavnom su prisutne oker, žuta, narandzaste, braon ..
Kontrast svetla i senke je skoro skroz izoštrio sliku...
Slika je završena i ja sam opet zadovoljna.A vi?
Ok, sad ću sesti na bicikl da se spustimo niz ulicu. Javiću vam dokle sam stigla. Ja bih volela da me sačeka toplo more...
As you can see, ocher, yellow, orange, brown are mostly present..
The contrast of light and shadow made the image almost completely sharp...
The picture is finished and I am satisfied again. And you?
Ok, now I'm going to get on my bike and go down the street. I'll let you know how far I get. I would like a warm sea waiting for me...
Nadam se da ste uživali? 🥰
Želim vam prijatnu i mirnu noć. ✨🌜
I hope you enjoyed it? 🥰
I wish you a pleasant and peaceful night. ✨🌜
Pozdrav od Anke vragolanke.
Greetings from Anka vregolana!
I like more the unfinished version without cables
Hmm, I often like my pictures better when they are half-done, they seem refined, but I like cables and poles. 😉
@museodelcaos 👋
Mene podseca na Italiju, popodne, mali gradic, mir i tisina na ulici koja ceka da deciji smeh i igra loptom zavlada na kaldrmi ;)
Kao neka scena iz Amarkord -a, zar ne?
Vidi se ko je umetnička dusa. ☝️
Hvala draga @mipiano na javljanju. 🌹🖌️
Tnx 💐
Beautiful painting! It's wonderful!
Thank you!
Your level lowered and you are now a Red Fish!@vragolana, sorry to see that you have less Hive Power.
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