Devojka se naginje /Akvarel/crtež🖌️In the matrix. Watercolor/drawing

in Sketchbookyesterday

Da li znate da ne mogu da podnesem jedan dan da ne crtam? Da, da..
Toliko gledam druge autore, akvarelisti,crteže, tutorijale, crtam, slikam, da se nekad plašim da ću odlepiti.😁🙃
Šalim se. To je ustvari super! Svi treba da imamo svoju strast. Strast prema životu. Strast koja nas vozi...
Evo i današnjeg akvarel/crteža...

Do you know that I can't stand a day without drawing? Yes, yes..
I look so much at other authors, watercolorists, drawings, tutorials, draw, paint, that sometimes I'm afraid I'll peel off.😁🙃
I'm kidding. That's actually great! We should all have our passion. Passion for life. The passion that drives us...
Here is today's watercolor/drawing...


Već mi se posle prvog poteza svidja. Ja zapravo volim nedovršeno, nekako te tera da završi crtež u glavi. Moćno...

I already like it after the first move. I actually like the unfinished, it kind of makes you finish the drawing in your head. Powerful..


U planu je bio jednobojni crtež, ali ipak sam izabrala oker boju za haljinu. Nisam se pokajala,super je ispalo...

The plan was a monochrome drawing, but I still chose an ocher color for the dress. I didn't regret it, it turned out great...


Baš je fora da se okolo vidi ambijent, plavi sto na kom sam radila...
A evo i čist crtež:

It's really cool to see the environment around, the blue table I was working on...
And here's a clean drawing:


Moj prijatelj, inače veliki slikar u mom gradu, rekao je da je ovo moj najbolji crtež do sada.
Neću pitati da li je i vama, jer ukusi su različiti...
Uživajte ☝️🖌️

My friend, who is a great painter in my town, said that this is my best drawing so far.
I won't ask if it's the same for you, because tastes are different...
Enjoy ☝️🖌️

Pozdrav od Anke vragolanke.

Greetings from Anka vregolana!


It is very beautiful the textures and shadows you achieved in this painting.

Thanks, glad you like it.
Thanks for your support and comment.👋