Dva drvena čamca/Two wooden boats

in Sketchbook13 days ago

Moja prva ljubav su čamci!
Kada sam počela da slikam akvarel, najviše su me privlači morski pejzaži.
Valjda svako vidi ono što želi u životu...❤️🖌️🌊
Ok, danas uživajte u čamcima koji leže na vrućim pesku...

My first love is boats!
When I started painting watercolors, I was most attracted to seascapes.
I guess everyone sees what they want in life...❤️🖌️🌊
Ok, today enjoy the boats lying on the hot sand…


Nemate pojma kako uzbudjenje raste kad počnete da stvarate...
Koliko god dugo da crtate, uvek ponovo osećate uzbudjenje. Radjanje novog umetničkog dela..🥰
A sada, kolorisanje...

You have no idea how excited you get when you start creating…
No matter how long you draw, you always feel the excitement again. Creating a new work of art..🥰
And now, the coloring..


Danas koristim vesele boje. Plava, žuta, crvena, oker...

Danas koristim vesele boje. Plava, žuta, crvena, oker...


Pogledajte tu divnu žutu boju...Prosto osećate kako je pesak vruć od sunca. A znate onaj zvuk kada se gurne čamac na pesak? Pesak se čuje kao šmirgla...😁

Look at that beautiful yellow color...You can just feel the sand being hot from the sun. And you know that sound when a boat is pushed onto the sand? The sand sounds like sandpaper...😁


Ovoga puta, boje zaista mnogo znače. Potpuno su dočarale vedar i sunčan dan.

This time, the colors really mean a lot. They completely evoked a bright and sunny day.


Svaki detalj mi se dopada,ali kompozicija je najbolja. Poželela sam da udjem u ova dva čamca...

I like every detail, but the composition is the best. I wanted to get into these two boats...


Još nekoliko detalja do cilja...

A few more details to the finish line...


Dragi Hajveri,ako vas je neko večeras lepo ušuškao pred spavanje, onda sam to ja☝️😁
Umesto telefona, uživajte u slikama mora...
Želim vam lepe snove...🏖️🌞

Dear Hiveri, if someone tucked you in before bed tonight, it was me☝️😁
Instead of a phone, enjoy pictures of the sea...
I wish you sweet dreams...🏖️🌞

Pozdrav od Anke vragolanke.

Greetings from Anka vregolana!


This is so pretty, the color blending is really cool. Seeing an art is also exciting, but I also want to feel that excitement whenever you create something from your imagination. Sadly, I don't have skills in art 🙉🙉✨

I'm glad you like it. Stay with me and enjoy future watercolors...

@ruffatotmeee 👋