Glineni ćup/Clay jar

in Sketchbooklast month

Da li ste primetili da nikada nisam crtala mrtvu prirodu?
Da, nisam. Ne znam zbog čega, ali mislim da je odgovor u tome što su nas u osnovnoj školi stalno terali da crtamo "mrtvu prirodu" 😏
Možda imam traumu.🤔😆
Ali, pomislila sam, ok, što da ne? Hajde da probam...i evo jednog simpatičnog ćupa.
Pogledajte proces...

Have you noticed that I have never drawn a still life?
Yes, I didn't. I don't know why, but I think the answer is that in elementary school we were constantly forced to draw "still life" 😏
Maybe I have a trauma.🤔😆
But I thought, ok, why not? Let me give it a try...and here's a nice jar.
Check out the process...


Kao što pejzaže počinjem od neba, ljudske figure od glave,tako sam i ovaj ćup počela od vrha.
A sada, "telo"...

Just as I start landscapes from the sky, human figures from the head, I also started this jar from the top.
And now, the "body"...


Postoje ćupovi bez drške,ali meni je zanimljivije sa drškom.☝️

There are jars without a handle, but for me it's more interesting with a handle.☝️


Koristila sam dve, tri boje. Crnu, crvenu i oker. Naravno, ne smem zaboraviti senku. Senka daje trodimenzionalni efekat.

I used two, three colors. Black, red and ocher. Of course, I must not forget the shadow. The shadow gives a three-dimensional effect.


To je to! Ćup je gotov. Možete sipati u njega šta god želite.🥰
Bio je ovo čas likovnog na temu "mrtva priroda". Ako želite da probate, samo napred! 👍❤️🖌️

That's it! The cup is ready. You can pour whatever you want into it
This was an art class on the topic of "still life". If you want to try it, go ahead! 👍❤️🖌️

Pozdrav od Anke vragolanke.

Greetings from Anka vregolana!