
in Sketchbook5 months ago

Koliko god da je Venecija poznata po svojoj arhitekturi, mostovima, muzici, gondola i njen gondolijer su ono što čini Veneciju tako neobičnom i neodoljivom.
Pa, dragi moji Hajveri, evo jednog simpatičnog gondolijera...🤗

As much as Venice is known for its architecture, bridges, music, the gondola and its gondolier are what make Venice so unusual and irresistible.
Well, my dear Hivers, here is a nice gondolier...🤗


Znam, znam..nedovoljno interesantno u skici...Ok, počinjem da bojim...

I know, I know..not interesting enough in the sketch...Ok, I'm starting to color...


Ovoga puta počela sam od pozadine. Pomaže mi da istaknem figuru.

This time I started from the background. It helps me highlight my figure.


A sada ulepšavanje detaljima i nijansama...

And now embellishing with details and shades...


Figura nije laka jer je neuobičajena poza. Spuštena glava ispod šešira, držanje vesla i tako dalje.
A sada ću se pozabaviti malo više, čamcem.

The figure is not easy because it is an unusual pose. Head down under hat, holding oar and so on.
And now I will deal a little more with the boat.


Odraz u vodi...ljubičasta, braon, plava...
Skoro je gotov.Još poneka linija i...crtež je završen!

Reflection in the water...purple, brown, blue...
It's almost done. A few more lines and...the drawing is finished!
Let's set sail!



Nadam se da ste uživali? Već je noć. Odoh pod tuš, a vama šaljem gondolijera da vas preveze u gondoli po moru zvezdane noći...✨

I hope you enjoyed it? It's already night. I'm going to take a shower, and I'm sending you a gondolier to transport you in a gondola across the sea on a starry night...✨

Pozdrav od Anke vragolanke.

Greetings from Anka vregolana!


I really liked the technique you developed, congratulations.

Thank u my friend @mundomanaure !

What an interesting water color piece.

wow beautiful art :)

Cool art

Tnx 🎨🖌️