Grad u bojama latica/A city in the colors of petals

in Sketchbook8 days ago (edited)

Ok, hajde malo da se vratimo gradskom pejzažu. Ovog puta sa malo promenjenim stilom. Boje su nekako cvetne i veselije. Mene podseća na cvetove.🌺🌼🌸
Grad je u drugom planu.zgrade su nacrtane sa minimum kontura i linija. Ostalo je razliveno sa dozom kontrole vode.
Pa, da vidimo kako je tekao proces...

Ok, let's go back to the cityscape for a bit. This time with a slightly changed style. The colors are somehow flowery and more cheerful. It reminds me of flowers.🌺🌼🌸
The city is in the background. The buildings are drawn with a minimum of contours and lines. The rest was spilled with a dose of water control.
Well, let's see how the process went...


Počinjem sa zgradama veselih tonova. Žuto-crvena kao pomorandža ili letnji zalazak sunca...

I start with cheerful tone buildings. Yellow-red like an orange or a summer sunset..


Prelazimo na sredinu i razlivam nekoliko boja u centar slike. Mešaju se eteričnost i dramatični kontrasti.

We move to the middle and I pour a few colors in the center of the picture. Ethereality and dramatic contrasts are mixed


Kao madjioničarski prah, boje su se razlile i izmešale. Čista poezija..

Like magic powder, the colors spilled and mixed. Pure poetry..



Sve me podseća na pesmu "Tamo negde iznad duge" 🌈
Zadovoljna finalom, mislim da ću večeras lepo zaspati...
Laku noć, lepe snove želim, tu...iznad duge...

Everything reminds me of the song "Over there over the rainbow" 🌈
Satisfied with the finale, I think I'll sleep well tonight...
Good night, I wish you sweet dreams, here...over the rainbow...

Pozdrav od Anke vragolanke.

Greetings from Anka vregolana!


es mágica porque asume la forma que en tu interior deseas ver...

Saludos, bendiciones y exitos

¡Muchas gracias por su apoyo y buenos deseos!

Además, ¡mucho éxito y belleza!