U poslednje vreme su mi ulice preokupacija za crtanje iako su mi automobili i čamci, pasija.
Evo još jednog simpatičnog uličnog pejzaža...
Streets have been my preoccupation for drawing lately, although cars and boats are my passion.
Here's another cute street scene...
U gradskim motivima je vrlo efektno kada se crtaju kada je sunčano jer se tada kontrast svetla i senki jako vidi i daje sjajan efekat. Slika dobija oštre i vrlo efektne prelaze. Akvarel je dovoljno zabavan već za sebe ali je ada vam priroda dodatno pruži sopstvenu umetnost, onda su rezultati predvidivi. 🥰
In city motifs, it is very effective when they are drawn when it is sunny because then the contrast of light and shadows is very visible and gives a great effect. The picture gets sharp and very effective transitions. Watercolor is fun enough on its own, but if nature gives you its own art, then the results are predictable. 🥰
Evo i ljudskih figura. Figure se mogu oslikati po redu ( lice, telo, noge..) ali često ih umetnici dobijaju na apstraktan način,na primer, od apstraktnih i nepredvidivih linija, dodavanjem detalja, nastanu ljudi.
Here are also human figures. Figures can be painted in order (face, body, legs...) but often artists get them in an abstract way, for example, from abstract and unpredictable lines, by adding details, people appear.
Prelazimo na levu stranu. Nadam se da ću napraviti dobru ravnotežu...
We move to the left side. I hope to strike a good balance…
Ok, rad je skoro završen,bar što se tiče vodenih boja,ali sada ću dodati suvi pastel.
Ok, the work is almost finished, at least as far as the water colors are concerned, but now I will add the dry pastel
Dragi Hajveri, nadam se da ste uživali u ovom procesu slikanja.
Pišem posle ponoći, oči mi se sklapaju, spremna sam za spavanje, a vama želim da sanjate svet u boji...😍🥰🎨✨🌜
Dear Hivery, I hope you enjoyed this painting process.
I'm writing after midnight, my eyes are closing, I'm ready to sleep, and I want you to dream a world in color...😍🥰🎨✨🌜
Pozdrav od Anke vragolanke.
Greetings from Anka vregolana!
Congratulations @vragolana!
You raised your level and are now a Minnow!
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