Igra senki uličnog pejzaža/Streetscape Shadow Game

in Sketchbook25 days ago

Baš sam se nešto zaigrala sa ulicama, saobraćajem, zgradama. Vrlo mi je inspirativno za rad pa sam i danas nacrtala jedan koji je prepun predivnih detalja i kolorita.
Nažalost, nisam imala akvarel papir ali efekat nije izostao.
Pa da pogledamo...
Počinjem od skice kao i uvek.
Nadam se da se dovoljno vidi?

I played a bit with streets, traffic, buildings. It is very inspiring for me to work, so I drew one today that is full of beautiful details and colors.
Unfortunately, I did not have watercolor paper, but the effect was not missing.
So let's take a look...
I start with a sketch as always.
I hope it shows enough?


Počinjem sa kolorisanjem. Ovoga puta koristim mnogo više boja...Plava, crvena, narandžasta, žuta, braon, zelena, roze...

I start coloring. This time I'm using a lot more colors...Blue, red, orange, yellow, brown, green, pink...


Ovaj rad je vrlo zanimljiv kao kompozicija. Ima dubinu, širinu, dinamiku, kolorit, atmosferu...

This work is very interesting as a composition. It has depth, width, dynamics, color, atmosphere...


Prisustvo sunčanih delova pored senki daje oštrinu slici. Senka u dnu daju fino težište i balans u odnosu na zgrade.

The presence of sunny parts next to the shadows gives sharpness to the image. The shadow at the bottom gives a fine center of gravity and balance in relation to the buildings.


Dok sam radila ovu sliku, osetila sam koliko su mi potezi sve sigurniji...


Ostalo je da dovršim centralnu tačku ovog crteža. Samo još malo strpljenja...

It remains to complete the central point of this drawing. Just a little more patience...


Volim kad završim sliku a zatim uživam u detaljima koje dodajem po osećaju...
Ok, slika je gotove!
3, 2, 1...

I love when I finish a painting and then enjoy the details that I add by feel...
Ok, the picture is done!
3, 2, 1...


Da li vam se svidja?
Jako volim da podelim sa vama ovo što radim jer mi stvara osećaj kao da se znamo na nekim lepim i čudnim duhovnim nivoima. ❤️
Pozdrav svim ljubiteljima umetnosti...👋🥰🖌️🎨

Do you like it?
I really like sharing what I do with you because it makes me feel like we know each other on some beautiful and strange spiritual levels. ❤️
Greetings to all art lovers...👋🥰🖌️🎨

Pozdrav od Anke vragolanke.

Greetings from Anka vregolana!


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You are extremely talented with watercolors! 🖌🎨

Thank you very much for your words of support @ninahaskin !


It's a pleasure! ❤

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