Hm, kad bih vas pitala koju životinju bi voleli da vam nacrtam?
Većina bi rekla verovatno mačku ili psa. M?
Da li sam pogodila? ☺️
Pa, ok, oni su zaista privlačni za crtanje jer ih najviše vidjamo i uglavnom njih imamo kao kućne ljubimce, ali ja sam danas ipak izabrala nekoga ko nam obično nije kućni ljubimac ali na selu jesu, dvorišni ljubimci! 🥰
Danas ću vam nacrtati divne, mile, simpatične guske, koje su krenule u šetnju i izgubile negde na tom putu...kobajagi. 😉
Pa, da počnemo...
Um, if I were to ask you what animal would you like me to draw for you?
Most would say probably a cat or a dog. M?
Did I guess? ☺️
Well, ok, they are really attractive to draw because we see them the most and mostly we have them as pets, but today I still chose someone who is not usually a pet for us, but in the countryside they are, backyard pets! 🥰
Today I'm going to draw you wonderful, lovely, cute geese, which went for a walk and got lost somewhere along the way...kobayagi. 😉
Well, let's get started...
Ovog puta sam slikala bez skice. Bio je to pravi izazov,ali posle toliko crteža, vreme je da hrabro udjem u rizik.☝️🙃
Ok, idemo dalje...
This time I painted without a sketch. It was a real challenge, but after so many drawings, it's time to bravely take a risk.☝️🙃
Ok, let's move on...
Htela sam samo jednu, ali mi je delovalo prazno i bilo mi je žao da ostane sama...
I wanted only one, but it seemed empty and I felt sorry for her to be alone...
Evo je i drugarica...😄👋
Hm, gde su dve tu je i treća. Može? Hahaha, naravno da može,svi volimo društvo! 😍
Here is a friend...😄👋
Um, where there are two, there is a third. Can you? Hahaha, of course you can, we all love company! 😍
Oh, zar nisu slatke? Tri drugarice...Da mi je znati o čemu pričaju...
Znam samo da su toliko mnogo pričale, da su se izgubile...😉
Bilo je ovo jedno veselo veče uz guske...✨🌜
Oh, aren't they cute? Three friends... I wish I knew what they were talking about...
I only know that they talked so much, that they got lost...😉
It was a happy evening with geese...✨🌜
Pozdrav od Anke vragolanke.
Greetings from Anka vregolana!
So lovely, I love ducks 🦆💛🙃