Jedno kišno veče.☔One rainy evening.☔

in Sketchbooklast year

Kada pitate ljude kakvo vreme više vole, sunčano ili kišovito? Većina će reći sunčano, ali eto ja volim da slikam kišu. Naravno, slikam i sunce ali kiša je veći izazov. Evo danas pogledajte kako sam uradila jedan akvarel.
Naravno, počinjemo od skice. . .

When you ask people what kind of weather they prefer, sunny or rainy? Most will say sunny, but I like to take pictures of rain. Of course, I also paint the sun, but the rain is a bigger challenge. Here today, see how I did a watercolor.
Of course, we start with a sketch. . .




Gradski pejzaži su mi uvek bili fascinantni jer sam i kao mala volela da crtam ulice i ljude, a kada bih otišla u grad u neke veće ulice, volela sam da posmatram ljude i njihova lica dok pada kiša. Zanimljivo mi je bilo kako podnose kišu. Neki se uvuku u jaknu, neki opušteno kisnu, neki brzo pretrčavaju da ne padne ni kap na njih, dok zaljubljenima kiša nije mogla da pokvari dan.

Cityscapes have always been fascinating to me because even as a child I liked to draw streets and people, and when I went to the city to some bigger streets, I liked to observe people and their faces while it was raining. It was interesting to me how they stand the rain. Some get into their jackets, some casually get wet, some run quickly so that not a single drop falls on them, while the rain could not spoil the day for the lovers.




Navoj slici ima raznih ljudi. I onih koji vole kišu i onih koji ne vole. Naravno, većina izbegavakišu koristeći auto. Da nije tako, slika bi bila monotona. Automobili su vrlo zanimljivi da se slikaju i slikama nekad daju čudnu magiju i dinamiku.

There are various people in this picture. And those who like rain and those who don't. Of course, most avoid it by using a car. Otherwise, the picture would be monotonous. Cars are very interesting to take pictures of and sometimes give the pictures a strange magic and dynamism




Od boja, najviše sam koristila crnu, sivu i plavu. Crvena je uvek spremna za finalne detalje.

Of the colors, I mostly used black, gray and blue. Red is always ready for the final details.



Na kraju sam ipak dodala detalje u plavoj boji da malo osveži sliku i napravi blagi kontrast sivilu. Hm, zaista izgleda tmurno. 🤔 Da, sivilo i kiša. Ali znate kako kažu. . .posle kiše uvek dolazi sunce. . .🌞

In the end, I still added details in blue to refresh the image a bit and create a slight contrast to the gray. Hmm, it really looks bleak. 🤔 Yes, gray and rain. But you know what they say. . .after the rain always comes the sun. . .🌞

Pozdrav od Anke vragolanke.

Greetings from Anka vregolana!