
in Sketchbook3 months ago

E, a sada malo životinje. Kokoška. Može?
Nažalost, opet sam se zanela pa nisam uslikala ceo proces, ali oprostićete mi...
Stiže kokoška, uleće u kadar. 😁🐔

Well, now a little animal. Chicken. Can you?
Unfortunately, I got carried away again so I didn't take a picture of the whole process, but you'll forgive me...
A chicken arrives, flies into the frame. 😁🐔



Počela sam od najupečatljivijeg dela tela. Crvena kresta kao plamen vatre...🔥

I started with the most impressive part of the body. Red crest like a flame of fire...🔥



Koka je ušetala kod vas!
Pazite da vas ne kljucne! 😉

Coca walked into your house!
Be careful not to get pecked! 😉

Pozdrav od Anke vragolanke.

Greetings from Anka vregolana!