Leden dan zimskog podneva./ An icy day of winter noon.

in Sketchbook10 months ago

Nekada mi se čini da ćutanjem više možemo reći. Na isti način je i u slikarstvu. Nekada manje detaljima može dočarati jaku zimu kao što je prikazano na ovom zimskom pejzažu. Sneg je pokrio mnoge krovove kuća i na taj način naglasio zidove koji su jedva virili ispod snega. Popodnevno sunce je napravilo senke suve trave koja se dostojanstveno izborila za vazduh pod težinom snega. Puno sitnih detalja učinilo je ovaj pejzaž bogatim kao poezija. . .

Sometimes it seems to me that we can say more by being silent. It is the same way in painting. Sometimes less details can evoke a harsh winter as shown in this winter landscape. The snow covered many of the roofs of the houses and thus emphasized the walls that were barely visible under the snow. The afternoon sun cast shadows on the dry grass that struggled for air under the weight of the snow. Lots of small details made this landscape as rich as poetry. . .


Startovala sam sa prednjim delom kuće koja je naslikana tamnim tonovima jer je u senci.

I started with the front of the house, which is painted in dark tones because it is in the shade.


Šarama na nebu balansirana sam izmedju gornje i donje strane crteža. . .

The pattern in the sky is balanced between the upper and lower sides of the drawing. . .


Oduzimanjem boje na većem delu crteža, pokazivalo je količinu snega koji je pao. Upravo je to specifičnost koju možete videti samo kod akvarel tehnike.

By removing the paint from most of the drawing, it showed the amount of snow that had fallen. This is exactly the specificity that you can only see with the watercolor technique.


Drugu kuću koja se jedva videla, nacrtala sam mešanjem žute, crvene i braon zbog dinamike.

I drew the second house, which was barely visible, by mixing yellow, red and brown for dynamics.



Slika je dobila svoj konačan izgled. Kombinacijom hladnih tonova i ponekog kontrasta toplom bojom, zadovoljno sam se odmakla od štafelaja, oprala četkice i odmarajući uz toplu kafu sa vremena na vreme bacala pogled na crtež koji me je nesumnjivo činio srećnom. 🥰

The picture got its final look. With the combination of cold tones and some contrast with warm color, I happily moved away from the easel, washed my brushes and resting with a hot coffee from time to time glanced at the drawing that undoubtedly made me happy.

Pozdrav od Anke vragolanke.

Greetings from Anka vregolana!


Let's hope there is no more snow! Although the painting is good!

I almost didn't have it.
Now in April it is already 30 degrees, summer has already started.
It was never like this.


Very nice painting, well done.

Very interesting. I like your quick, sketchy style. I am having trouble with my regular sketchbook paper wrinkling with the watercolors, so I'm exploring using a heavier watercolor sketchbook with fairly smooth texture.