Motociklista u crvenoj majici/A motorcyclist in a red shirt

in Sketchbooklast month

Pre nekoliko dana, medju komentarima sam kliknula na ime prijatelja iz Hajv zajednice da pogledam njegov sadržaj profila jer me je nešto zaintrigiralo. U jednom njegovom postu, ugledala sam fenomenalnu fotografiju, motociklista koji juri nekom polu osunčanom uskom ulicom! Bila sam oduševljena! Zamolila sam ga da mi odobri da je nacrtam. Ne znam da li je na fotografiji on ili neki slučajni prolaznik, ali svakako mi se dopala! Izgleda kao scena iz Almodovarovih filmova...🎬
Ovo je ta čuvena fotografija:

A few days ago, among the comments, I clicked on the name of a friend from the Hive community to look at his profile content because something intrigued me. In one of his posts, I saw a phenomenal photo of a motorcyclist speeding down some semi-sunny narrow street! I was delighted! I asked him to allow me to draw it. I don't know if it's him or some random passerby in the photo, but I sure liked it! It looks like a scene from Almodovar's movies...🎬
This is the famous photo:


Dragi moj @harveyword evo kao što sam i obećala, nacrtala sam tvoju fotografiju, evo i procesa.

My dear @harveyword here it is as I promised, I drew your photo, here is the process.


Naravno, počela sam skicom.☝️
Uvek je lakše ako je nešto konkretno. A sada počinjem da bojim. Naravno, boje će biti malo izmenjene...odnosno nijanse...
Moram priznati da sam imala malo tremu. Ali to je ona motivišuća 🎨🖌️☝️

Of course, I started with a sketch.☝️
It's always easier if something is concrete. And now I start to paint. Of course, the colors will be slightly changed...that is, the shades...
I have to admit that I was a little nervous. But it is the motivating one 🎨🖌️☝️


Nisam bojila po određenom redosledu već intuitivno i spontano...

I didn't paint in a specific order, but intuitively and spontaneously...


Neke delove sam ostavila da se osuše ali se opet vraćam na njih. Nekada je to neophodno. Zavisi koji efekat želite da ostvarite...

I left some parts to dry, but I'm coming back to them again. Sometimes it is necessary. It depends on what effect you want to achieve...


Još nekoliko koraka...odnosno poteza...

A few more steps...that is, moves...


Ono što me je najviše privuklo kod ove fotografije su boje. Kontrast crvene i crne. Strast kao da će eksplodirati. Fenomenalno...❤️🖤
Još malo...

What attracted me the most about this photo are the colors. Contrast of red and black. The passion seems to explode. Phenomenal...❤️🖤
A little more...


Toliko sam oduševljena što pokušavam da naslikam ovu fotografiju da sam se skroz otpustila i zaboravila na rezultate. Pa ipak,evo ih...

I am so engrossed in trying to paint this photo that I completely let go and forgot about the results. And yet, here they are...


Prvo sam bila skeptična- da li sam uspela?... ali kako je vreme prolazilo počela je da mi se dopada...ustvari, baš mi se svidja!
Često slikari upadnu u klopku da li je isto kao na fotografiji?
Ne treba ni da bude.
Fotografija je fotografija. Slika se radi po njenoj ideji, ali slika je za razliku od fotografije živa, ima emocije, strast, energiju umetnika...
Dragi @harveyword hvala na prilici da iskušam svoj slikarski talenat pomoću ove sjajne i nesvakidašnje fotografije! Nadam se da te nisam izneverila...Veliki Hajv pozdrav!

At first I was skeptical - did I succeed?... but as time went by I started to like fact, I really like her!
Often painters fall into the trap of is it the same as in photography?
It shouldn't be.
A photo is a photo. The picture is made according to her idea, but unlike a photograph, the picture is alive, it has emotions, passion, energy of the artist...
Dear @harveyword thanks for the opportunity to test my painting talent with this great and unusual photo! I hope I didn't let you down...A big Hive greeting!

Pozdrav od Anke vragolanke.

Greetings from Anka vregolana!


Congratulations @vragolana!
You raised your level and are now a Minnow!

Check out our last posts:

Our Hive Power Delegations to the November PUM Winners

Nice painting, i loved it 👏

Thanks for the kind words of support, I'm glad you like it!

nice work :D

Thank you dear friend 🥰👋

You certainly did not disappoint - I love this, it's so nice to know that my photograph inspired art. I point a camera at things, but this is true skill - amazing.

Now my heart is in the right place! 🥰

I'm glad you like it! Mission accomplished!

extraordinary work, you are very skilled at drawing. Cool👍💥

Thank you my friend @reachdreams !