Danas sam provela neočekivano mnogo sati na crtežu koji u prvi mah izgleda jednostavno, ali...
Da ne bih puno pričala, pogledajte o čemu se radi...o osunčanim kućama u malom morskom gradu...verovatno je reč o Grčkoj.
Today I spent an unexpected number of hours on a drawing that at first looks simple, but...
So that I don't talk too much, take a look at what it's about...sunny houses in a small seaside town...it's probably about Greece.
Toliko su me svrbeli prsti da sam nestrpljivo počela da crtam. Čak je i skica bila zanimljiva zbog neobičnih malih detalja...a sad, kolorisanje...
My fingers itched so much that I impatiently started to draw. Even the sketch was interesting because of the unusual little details...and now, the coloring...
Prvi izazov mi je bio odabrati prave boje za senku od jakog podnevnog sunca.
Idemo dalje...Da li sam vam rekla da najviše volim apstraktan crtež? Eto, sad sam vam otkrila već pola toga...
My first challenge was to choose the right colors for the shade from the strong midday sun.
Let's move on... Did I tell you that I like abstract drawing the most? Well, now I've already revealed half of it to you...
Izgleda prazno ali nije. Upravo je u tome lepota akvarela i osvetljenih delova...
It looks empty but it's not. That's exactly the beauty of watercolors and illuminated parts...
Ovaj stil je vrlo zabavan! Sitni detalji ali baš zato jako važno kako postaviti linije i boje. Mora da bude savršeno jer bi se greške lakše videle...
Još nekoliko linija ...
This style is so much fun! Small details, but that's why it's very important how to set the lines and colors. It has to be perfect because mistakes would be easier to see...
A few more lines...
To je to! Vreme je proletelo,stolice ispred restorana postavljene. Naručite kafu, stižem!
Svi ste pozvani...🥰🎶🎨🖌️
That's it! Time flew by, chairs were placed in front of the restaurant. Order a coffee, I'm coming!
You are all invited...🥰🎶🎨🖌️
Cheers! ☀️
Pozdrav od Anke vragolanke.
Greetings from Anka vregolana!
Yes! Coming for Coffee too. Love it
Great! 🤗
Thank you @wikaatje !
your work is amazing👍
Thank you my friend.
You're welcome.