Ptica je ugledala plen/ The bird saw its prey

in Sketchbook3 months ago

Evo mene opet aktivna u crtanju. Još jedan akvarel, još jedno istraživanje sopstvenog potencijala. Nikada ne znamo da li ćemo uspeti u nečemu,ali bitno je pokušavati, jer život predstavljaju greške, pokušaji, porazi ali i uspesi. Bitno je živeti...
Dakle, bio je ovo još jedan pokušaj da se usavršim pa pogledajte...njeno visočanstvo- ptica!

Here I am again active in drawing. Another watercolor, another exploration of one's own potential. We never know if we will succeed in something, but it is important to try, because life is made up of mistakes, attempts, defeats and successes. It is important to live...
So this was another attempt to perfect myself so look...her highness- the bird!


Počinjem skicom koja je više kroki, čisto da znam gde će se otprilike nalaziti na papiru.
Crtajući pticu, koristila sam samo dve boje, zapravo jednu, oker, jer kažu da crna nije boja, prema tome...

I start with a sketch that is more of a croc, just so I know roughly where it will be on the paper.
It helps.
When drawing the bird, I used only two colors, actually one, ocher, because they say that black is not a color, therefore..



Zaista je zabavno gledati kako nešto nastaje i postaje...

It's really fun to watch something come into being and become…


Još nekoliko detalja...

A few more details...


Kod ptica, najviše mi se svidjaju detalji kao što su kljun i rep...

In birds, I like the details like the beak and the tail the most...


Dragi prijatelji, kako vam se dopala ova mala akvarel avantura? Hm, nadam se da ste uživali...
Drago mi je po što opet imam priliku da sa vama podelim svoje zadovoljstvo. Želim vam dobru noć i puno uspeha u radu...✨👋❤️

Dear friends, how did you like this little watercolor adventure? Um, I hope you enjoyed…
I am glad that I have the opportunity to share my pleasure with you again. I wish you a good night and much success in your work...✨👋❤️

Pozdrav od Anke vragolanke.

Greetings from Anka vregolana!


this is really amazing.well done

Thank you @happy080 !

you are welcome