Pušačka pauza/ Smoking break

in Sketchbook3 months ago

Ovih dana posvetila sam malo pažnje kuvanju, šetnji, ali, vraćam se omiljenoj aktivnosti, crtanje!
Evo jednog simpatičnog lika. Radnik je verovatno izašao iz fabrike na pušačku pauzu.

These days I paid a little attention to cooking, walking, but I'm back to my favorite activity, drawing!
Here is a cute character. The worker probably left the factory for a smoke break.


Nakon skice, počinjem da bojim. Startovala sam od kačketa.

After the sketch, I start to paint. I started with a hat.


Prelazimo na lice. Osim uobičajene boje za lice, volim da koristim I narandžaste i crvene nijanse kože kao efekat sunca, svetla...

Let's move on to the face. Apart from the usual face paint, I like to use both orange and red skin tones as a sun effect, light...


Boje koje koristim su uglavnom plava, crvena, braon, narandzasta.

The colors I use are mostly blue, red, brown, orange.


Nakon lica bilo je logično da nastavim ruke, ali nekako sam se zanela košuljom i pantalonama. Ok, sad ruke i tompus koji se dimi.

After the face, it was logical to continue with the hands, but somehow I got carried away with the shirt and pants. Ok, now the hands and the smoking tompus.



Malo po malo, korak po korak, figura je završena!
Pa? Kako vam se dopada?🤗🖌️🎨

Little by little, step by step, the figure is finished!
So? How do you like it?🤗🖌️🎨

Pozdrav od Anke vragolanke.

Greetings from Anka vregolana!


Wow very good watercolor portrait I personally can't draw with watercolor although I always find it interesting to be honest it's hard for me but you are great

Yes, watercolor is hard. It cannot be corrected unlike other techniques.
I've been painting for a long time, but watercolor only for two or three years and she fell in love with watercolor.

I wish you good luck in your work!Thanks for getting in touch @harmony.art !