Ako su vam dosadilo moji crteži, dajte signal, ali mislim da još uvek nisu. 😄
Zbog toga, evo i danas jednog simpatičnog momka koji putuje. Za oštro oko pitanje, da li primećujete koje prevozno sredstvo se vidi nas crtežu pored ovog momka? 🤔😁
Dok vi razmišljate, počinjem sa odbrojavanjem..3, 2, 1...kreni!
If you're tired of my drawings, give me a signal, but I don't think they are yet. 😄
Therefore, here is a nice guy who is traveling today. For a sharp eye question, do you notice what means of transportation is visible in the drawing next to this guy? 🤔😁
While you are thinking, I start the countdown..3, 2, 1...go!
S obzirom da se na skici ne vidi mnogo, idemo dalje...
Since you can't see much in the sketches, let's move on...
Počinjem da bojim apstraktni deo zida pored momka. Dopuštam kreativni momenat. Boje koristim odabrane u momentu. Igram se...
I start to paint an abstract part of the wall next to the guy. I allow a creative moment. I use colors selected at the moment. I'm playing...
Prešla sam na figuru. Počinjem od glave...
I switched to the figure. I start from the head...
Polako poteze spuštamo na dole. Prelivam boje, želim dinamiku boja...
We slowly lower the strokes down. I'm pouring colors, I want color dynamics...
Najzanimljiviji deo figure mi je ranac! Nekako sam se u najduže zadržala...
The most interesting part of the figure to me is the backpack! Somehow I stayed the longest...
Sad se već prste gde putuje? Koga. Traži? U šta gleda? Na ova misli?
Are you wondering where you are traveling now? Who. Looking for? What is he looking at? On these thoughts?
Prva stanica je moj akvarel papir,a koja mu je sledeća stanica, ne znam. Poželim mu srećan put!
The first stop is my watercolor paper, and I don't know what the next stop is. I wish him a happy journey!
Pozdrav od Anke vragolanke.
Greetings from Anka vregolana!
Your level lowered and you are now a Red Fish!@vragolana, sorry to see that you have less Hive Power.
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excellent art :)
🖌️ Thank you @damoclesart !