Selfie/ watercolor

in Sketchbook11 months ago

E pa, na red je došao i selfi. Ne, ne foto aparatom, ja sam ipak bila originalna, nacrtala sam samu sebe kao što su to nekad radili veliki majstori slikarstva, Pikaso, Van Gog,Dali i mnogi drugi. . .

Well, it was the selfie's turn. No, not with a camera, I was still original, I drew myself as the great masters of painting, Picasso, Van Gogh, Dali and many others used to do. . .


Nije lako crtati sebe. Možda zato što sebe poznajete najbolje, pa zbog toga je pritisak veći. Uvek vidite neku grešku. Pokušala sam da zamislim da je to neki model kog ne poznajem. 😁

It is not easy to draw yourself. Maybe because you know yourself best, so the pressure is higher. You always see some mistake. I tried to imagine that it was some model I didn't know. 😁


Lice sam radila u plavoj nijansi da bih dočarala svetlost odnosno senke koje se rade uglavnom hladnim bojama. Ostale delove sam radila mešanjem plave i crne. . .
Kontrast je ispao odličan!

I did the face in a blue shade to evoke the light, that is, the shadows, which are mostly done with cold colors. I made the other parts by mixing blue and black. . .
The contrast turned out great!



U portretima je bitna slojevitost nijansi, to se u akvarelu zove lazura. Bila sam pažljiva jer se greške u akvarelu ne mogu ispraviti kao kada se radi uljanim bojama ili arilikom.

Layering of shades is important in portraits, this is called glaze in watercolor. I was careful because mistakes in watercolor cannot be corrected as when working with oil paints or watercolors.

Portret je sve više ličio na mene. Za sada je sve išlo dobro. Bukvalno ne dišem dok ne završim. 😅
Na kraju ću ubaciti i fotografiju sa koje sam "skinula" crtež da bi mogli da uporedite. . .

The portrait looked more and more like me. So far, everything has been going well. I literally don't breathe until I'm done. 😅
At the end, I will insert the photo from which I "took" the drawing so that you can compare. . .



Crtež je završen! Počinjem da dišem. 😅 Evo i fotografije mog portreta. . .

The drawing is finished! I start to breathe. 😅 Here is a photo of my portrait. . .



To je to. 🥰 Ne znam za vas, ali ja slobodno mogu reći da sam uspela. Naravno, slika nikada ne može da bude identična sa fotografijom a to ni ne treba da bude tako. Slikanje je ipak kreativniji čin i unosi lični pečat umetnika. Hvala na poseti i želim vam lepo veče! ✨

That's it. I don't know about you, but I can safely say that I succeeded. Of course, a picture can never be identical to a photograph, and it shouldn't be like that. Painting, however, is a more creative act and introduces the artist's personal touch. Thanks for visiting and have a nice evening! ✨

Pozdrav od Anke vragolanke.

Greetings from Anka vregolana!