Danas sam predložila deci u školi da zajedno crtamo. Složili su se. Iznela sam boje, podelila četkice i objasnila sam im šta bi mogli da slikamo.
Počeli smo sa puno volje...
Ja sam se odlučila za jednu mušku figuru...
Today I suggested to the children at school that we draw together. They agreed. I brought out the colors, handed out the brushes and explained to them what we could paint.
We started with a lot of will...
I decided on a male figure...
Kada sam završila crtež, pitala sam decu da li im se dopada ova figura koju sam nacrtala, odgovorili su:
- Pa, kao da je nacrtalo neko dete.
When I finished the drawing, I asked the children if they liked this figure I had drawn, they answered:
- Well, as if it was drawn by a child. 🤣😂🤣
Pozdrav od Anke vragolanke.
Greetings from Anka vregolana!
🤭😂 childlike sincerity 😉.
That's great 😁, take it as a compliment, Picasso once said that it took him many years to learn to paint like a child 😉😃.
That's right...because you need to grow to simplicity.
Thank u @gatubela !
☝️ 👋
Absolutely 😉
Happy weekend 😺 You're welcome @vragolana 🌻
This is beautiful. I would have loved to see the step by step of this work. Best regards!
Yes, I always take photos step by step, but sometimes I simply forget to take photos and I regret not showing you the final drawing.
By all means, thank you.