Svakodnevnica/Everyday life

in Sketchbook4 days ago

Još jedan gradski pejzaž. Još jedan slikarski udah koji budi moj duh i razvrstava moje misli. Raspoloženje je fokusirani na uspeh. Da li sam uspela?
Pogledajte ..

Another cityscape. Another painterly breath that awakens my spirit and sorts my thoughts. The mood is focused on success. Did I succeed?
Take a look..


Predvidjene su zgrade sa svetlom koje izbija iz njih. Njihovih prozora, vrata ..Zato prvi sloj mora biti svetlo, odnosno u tonovima veštačkog svetla.

Buildings with light emanating from them are foreseen. Their windows, doors... That's why the first layer must be light, i.e. in tones of artificial light.


Zatim asfalt u tonovima plave, crne i sive...
Ubaciču malo žutu kao refleksnu svetlost...

Then asphalt in tones of blue, black and gray...
I'll throw in a little yellow as a reflective light....


Zatim prelazi na prvi plan, a to su detalji...
Automobili, semafori, ljudi, senke...
Na kraju detalji belim gvašom, svetlost koja pada po ljudima. Glava, ramena, ruke. To su jako sitni detalji ali bez kojih slika nije potpuna. Završavam...

Then it moves to the foreground, which is the details...
Cars, traffic lights, people, shadows...
At the end, details with white gouache, light falling on people. Head, shoulders, arms.


These are very small details, but the picture is incomplete without them. I'm finishing...


Slika je gotova. Vizija je čini mi se uspela. Boje su lepo posložne, ljudi oplemenili ulicu.
Bilo je ovo još jedno uspešno skiciranje...👋👋👋

The picture is finished. The vision seems to have worked for me. The colors are beautifully arranged, the people ennobled the street.
This was another successful sketch...👋👋👋

Pozdrav od Anke vragolanke.

Greetings from Anka vregolana!


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I will! Thank you. 👋🎨🖌️

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I’m still amazed at your mastery of water colour
This is a really beautiful painting