Ljudi u savremenom društvu stalno su u žurbi. 😔 Bilo da je reč o poslu, obavezama ili svakodnevnim aktivnostima, ubrzani način života postao je norma. Neprekidna potraga za što većim rezultatom i bržim obavljanjem zadataka često ostavlja utisak da smo u trci s vremenom.
People in modern society are always in a hurry. 😔 Whether it's work, obligations or daily activities, a fast-paced lifestyle has become the norm. The continuous search for the highest possible result and the fastest completion of tasks often gives the impression that we are in a race against time.
S jedne strane, tehnologija nam je omogućila da obavljamo stvari brže i efikasnije, ali s druge strane, upravo ta brzina stvorila je pritisak a da toga ne postajemo svesni. Ljudi postaju zatrpani brojem zadataka koje treba da završe, a često zaboravljaju da zastanu, udahnu i uživaju u trenutku. 🧘 Naše društvo vrednuje produktivnost i brzinu, što može dovesti do stresa i umora.
On the one hand, technology has enabled us to do things faster and more efficiently, but on the other hand, this very speed has created pressure without us even realizing it. People become overwhelmed with the number of tasks they need to complete, and often forget to stop, take a breath, and enjoy the moment. 🧘 Our society values productivity and speed, which can lead to stress and fatigue.
U urbanim sredinama, sa stalnim gužvama i pritiscima, žurba postaje gotovo neizbežna. Radni dani postaju sve duži, a slobodno vreme sve kraće. Ljudi često planiraju svoj dan do najmanjih detalja, a svaki trenutak se čini dragocenim, pa se gotovo neprestano nalaze u trci za vremenom.🏃🏃🏃
In urban areas, with constant crowds and pressures, rush becomes almost inevitable. Working days are getting longer and free time is getting shorter. People often plan their day down to the smallest detail, and every moment seems precious, so they are almost constantly in a race against time.🏃🏃🏃
Da li je žurba zaista neophodna ili samo rezultat naših nesvesnih izbora. Da li bismo mogli živeti sporije? Da li bismo uspeli da prepoznamo vrednost trenutaka koji prolaze nezapaženo?
Is rushing really necessary or just the result of our unconscious choices. Could we live more slowly? Would we be able to recognize the value of moments that pass unnoticed?
U svetu koji se čini da nikada ne usporava, važno je podsećati sebe na značaj pauza, opuštanja i trenutaka bez stresa...
In a world that never seems to slow down, it's important to remind ourselves of the importance of breaks, relaxation and stress-free moments...
Današnji akvarel sam posvetila ovoj važnoj temi koja je vrlo aktuelna ali i zabrinjavajuća. Slikanje je upravo moj način da uspori, opustim se...a vi?
I dedicated today's watercolor to this important topic, which is very current but also worrying. Painting is exactly my way to slow down, relax... and you?
Pozdrav od Anke vragolanke.
Greetings from Anka vregolana!
!discovery 30
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