The cat saw the mouse

in Sketchbook10 months ago

Od životinja, mačke su najinteresantnije za slikanje. One su pravi majstori u pozama. Živaahne su i često menjaju poze. Najsimpatičnije su mi kada se zagledaju u nešto, na primer- MIŠA. 😁
Mačke su jedine asocijalne životinje koje smo uspešno pripitomili. Ipak, razočarani smo što se sa njima ne zbližavamo tako lako kao sa psima. Međutim, da li je možda problem u tome što ne razumemo njihove signale? Eto, posmatrajte ih, njihov rep, uši, mjauk.. .
Evo jedne vrlo strpljive mace koja čeka miša. . .

Of the animals, cats are the most interesting to paint. They are real masters in poses. They are lively and often change poses. I like them the most when they stare at something, for example - MISHA. 😁
Cats are the only antisocial animals that we have successfully domesticated. However, we are disappointed that we do not bond with them as easily as we do with dogs. However, could the problem be that we don't understand their signals? Look at them, their tail, ears, meow... .
Here is a very patient kitty waiting for a mouse. . .


Ovo je jedna krupna i šarena mačka. Koristila sam tonove prirode zemlje.
Narandžastu, oker, braon, crnu.

This is a large and colorful cat. I used earth tones.
Orange, ocher, brown, black.


Fascinantno mi je da ih gledam kako su jednom momentu mirne a već sledeć sekunde skoče.
I prgave i nežne. Umiljate ali i temperamentne. Sve to pokažu u roku od nekoliko minuta. Svakako dobri prijatelji. Evo i konačnog izgleda crteža.

It's fascinating to me to watch how they are calm one moment and jump the next second.
Both grumpy and gentle. Cute but also temperamental. They show it all within a few minutes. Certainly good friends. Here is the final appearance of the drawing.




Bio je ovo još jedan akvarel koji je ispunio moje slobodno vreme. Videćemo šta će biti inspiracija sledeći put, do tada. . .👋

This was another watercolor that filled my spare time. We'll see what the inspiration is next time, until then. . .👋

Pozdrav od Anke vragolanke.

Greetings from Anka vregolana!


Very good watercolor!

Thank you!


nice work

Thank you my friend!

Very lovely 😺, I like the style, well done.