The myth of the bird. 🐦

in Sketchbook8 months ago

Danas mi je mentor rekao da vas ne davim previše sa pričom. Ok, ako mislite da je trebalo više, on je kriv! 😆😆😆
Šalu na stranu. Danas na mom slikarskom stolu još jedna ptičica!

Today my mentor told me not to overwhelm you with too much story. Ok, if you think it should have been more, it's his fault! 😆😆😆
Joke on the side. Another little bird on my painting table today!


Ne znam koja je ptica u pitanju ali to nije ni važno. Bitno je da danas svi uživamo gledajući u predivne boje koje se razlivaju na papiru.

I don't know which bird it is, but that doesn't matter. It is important that today we all enjoy looking at the beautiful colors that spill on the paper.


Najviše volim braon nijanse. Nekako mi zbog te boje, slike deluju ozbiljnije.
Ova ptičica je slikana skoro u svim nijansama pomenutog pigmenta.

I like brown shades the most. Somehow because of that color, the pictures seem more serious to me.
This bird is painted in almost all shades of the mentioned pigment.




Samo da vam napomenem da je ovo prvi crtež u novom stanu. Velika promena za mene, velika inspiracija, pa sve ide u željenom pravcu. Ptičica je sve lepša.

Just to remind you that this is the first drawing in the new apartment. A big change for me, a big inspiration, and everything is going in the desired direction. The bird is more and more beautiful.



"Kоју мисао има
птица живота пуна?

"What a thought he has
bird full of life?


Махати радосно крилом,
лебдети на тренутке,
стопљена са плавилом
летети, летети ћутке."

Waving a wing happily,
float for moments,
fused with blue
fly, fly silently."

( Laza Lazić "Ptica" )

( Laza Lazić "Bird )

Hvala vam dragi Hajveri na još jednom druženju uz moje slike!
Želim vam prijatnu noć. ✨🌜💫

Thank you, dear Hiveri, for another time together with my pictures!
I wish you a pleasant night. ✨🌜💫

Pozdrav od Anke vragolanke.

Greetings from Anka vregolana!


Such a lovely painting of a bird.
I love it!😊👍

I'd say you're switching to watercolor? 😁🥰👋

Hehe, not anytime soon cause I haven't gotten the paint.


Good work!

Thank you so much!
