Traffic on a busy street

in Sketchbook4 months ago (edited)

Večeras sam obećala sebi da ću ranije u krevet, a onda uzmem četkicu i magija počinje...
Strast ne bira ni vreme ni mesto.
Pablo Pikaso je rekao da je svrha života da pronadjemo svoj dar i da ga pokažemo ili prenesemo drugima. Bio je u pravu. Zamislite da neko vaš dar nikada ne vidi?
Zato ću vam večeras pokazati svoj dar, svoje današnje postignuće 🖌️❤️

Tonight I promised myself that I will go to bed earlier, then I take the brush and the magic begins...
Passion chooses neither time nor place.
Pablo Picasso said that the purpose of life is to find our gift and to show or pass it on to others. He was right. Imagine if someone never sees your gift?
That's why tonight I will show you my gift, my today's achievement 🖌️❤️


I zaista, tek interakcijom sa publikom slika postiže svoju svrhu i cilj.

And indeed, only by interacting with the audience does the painting achieve its purpose and goal.


Najlepši deo, obojiti...
Akvarel je posebno privlačan kada se radi sa vidom..

The best part, coloring...
Watercolor is especially attractive when working with vision.


Razliveni detalji u dve boje, tragovi sušenja i stapanje. Akvarel je kao magija,kao madjioničarski trik.

Spilled details in two colors, drying marks and blending. Watercolor is like magic, like a magician's trick.


Dodajem detalje narandžastom bojom da unese malo vedrine.

I add details with orange color to bring a bit of cheerfulness.


Kada gledate kako neko slika, uvek vam se čini lako, ali probajte, nije baš tako,ali bitno je probati.

When you watch someone paint, it always seems easy, but try it, it's not exactly like that, but it's important to try.



Da,to je to. To je bila ta večernja čarolija. Četkice su bile moj čarobni štapić po ko zna koji put...💫✨
Hvala što ste i ovu noć podelili samnom...

Yes, that's it. That was the magic of the evening. Brushes have been my magic wand for the umpteenth time...💫✨
Thanks for sharing this night with me too...

Pozdrav od Anke vragolanke.

Greetings from Anka vregolana!


!discovery 30

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💛 lovely light ☺️👌🏻