Usidrena barke /Anchored boats

in Sketchbook5 days ago

Dobro veče Hajveri. Kako ste? Da li ste raspoloženi za još jednu vožnju akvarelom?
Ok. ☺️ Danas sam slikala morski pejzaž.
Počela sam skicom...

Good evening, Hivery. how are you Are you in the mood for another watercolor ride?
Okay. ☺️ Today I painted a seascape.
I started with a sketch...


Zanimljiva perspektiva. Obično je iz ugla čoveka, ali ovog puta iz ptičije persoektive...

An interesting perspective. Usually it's from a human point of view, but this time from a bird's perspective...


Od svih plavih nijansi, ja najviše volim kobalt plavu...
Ali s obzirom da more ima različite dubine, biće i više nijansi i vrsta plave...

Of all the shades of blue, I love cobalt blue the most...
But since the sea has different depths, there will be more shades and types of blue...


Boje koje sam koristila za šumu kojom je okružena luka su: oker, zelena, ljubičasta i crvena...

The colors I used for the forest that surrounds the port are: ocher, green, purple and red..


Koliko će akvarel ispasti dobar, zavisi od papira. Ovaj je odličan, zato je planirana tema ispala super. Zadovoljna sam. Nadam se da se i vama dopalo ovo krstarenje četkicom po papiru...😉🖌️🎨

How good the watercolor will turn out depends on the paper. This one is great, that's why the planned theme turned out great. I am satisfied. I hope you enjoyed this brush and paper cruise...😉🖌️🎨

Pozdrav od Anke vragolanke.

Greetings from Anka vregolana!


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Wow the result is very cool👍 the details of the boat and the red flag are the main focal points of interest.

Thank you.
Since the details are very small, I managed to paint everything transparent.

I'm glad you like it!

Yes, you're welcome. To get results like that, it definitely requires high precision and you are able to do it perfectly.

The detail of you drawing is to notch you really know your way around colors very impressive ❤️