Uska ulica/ Narrow street

in Sketchbook2 months ago

Da li se čovek može zasititi umetnosti? Naravno da ne. Može preterati sa radom, kao i sa jelom i da mu bude previše, ali ta potreba će se sutra opet pojaviti. Kao što opet morate da jedete, tako i umetnik ima potrebu ponovo da stvara. Ja sam tek uhvatila zalet, ali takodje ne smem izneveriti očekivanja dragih Hajvera ..🤗
Pa, hajde, i za večeras sam vam pripremila nešto interesantno.

Can one get enough of art? Of course not. He can overwork, as well as eat and be too much, but that need will appear again tomorrow. Just as you have to eat again, so the artist has the need to create again. I've just caught up, but I also mustn't let down the expectations of dear Hiver...🤗
Well, come on, I have prepared something interesting for you tonight.
Let's go...


Kao i obično, počinjem od skice. A sada krov stare kuće mešavinom plave, braon,crvene...

As usual, I start with a sketch. And now the roof of the old house with a mixture of blue, brown, red...


Spuštam se ka prozorima i starom zidu. Dodala sam i narandžastu ..

I descend towards the windows and the old wall. I also added an orange one..


Sada senke kuća. Senke se moraju raditi vrlo svetlim nijansama uglavnom plave boje.

Now the shadows of the house. Shadows must be done with very light shades, mostly blue.



Ova ulica i kuće su vrlo stare i zidovi imaju cigle pa sam morala raditi vrlo slojevito. To znači da se nekoliko slojeva moraju prvo osušiti da bih dodala sledeći.

This street and the houses are very old and the walls have bricks, so I had to work very layered. This means that several layers have to dry first before I can add the next one.



Hej drugari! Da li vam se dopalo?
Ja sam prilično zadovoljna. 🤗
Slika je sa puno sitnih detalja pa je treba duže posmatrati. Uživajte u crtežu i divnoj noći...✨🌠🌜

Hey guys! Did you like it?
I am quite satisfied. 🤗
The picture has a lot of small details, so you need to look at it longer. Enjoy the drawing and a wonderful night...✨🌠🌜

Pozdrav od Anke vragolanke.

Greetings from Anka vregolana!


wow amazing💥

Thank you! ❤️


Thank you. 🖌️🎨🎈🤗