Već dugo vežbam akvarele raznih tema. S obzirom da sam u ovoj tehnici tek nekoliko meseci, za sada se ne odvajam od tutorijala. 😉 Svaka treća slika je samostalna ali još uvek vežbam. Moji omiljeni akvarelisti su Zbukovski, Alvaro Castagnet i M. Solovyev. Danas sam izabrala Michael Solovyeva kao tutorijal za vežbanje. Njegove figure su fantastično nadrealne. Najvise še mi se dopada kako se poigrava sa svetlošću.Današnja tema je Dzokej na konju. Koliko sam uspela, pogledajte. . .
I have been practicing watercolors of various subjects for a long time. Since I've only been in this technique for a few months, I'm sticking with the tutorial for now. 😉 Every third picture is independent, but I'm still practicing. My favorite watercolorists are Zbukovsky, Alvaro Castagnet and M. Solovyev. Today I chose Michael Solovyeva as a tutorial to practice. His figures are fantastically surreal. What I like the most is how he plays with light. Today's topic is Jockey on a horse. Look at how much I managed. . .
Kod svake slike najvažnije je dobro nacrtati skicu i hrabro krenuti u avanturu. Kod ove slike, bitno je dobro papir natopiti vodom zbog efekta.
With each picture, the most important thing is to draw a sketch well and bravely go on an adventure. With this image, it is important to soak the paper well with water for the effect.
Prvi potezi bojama su najinteresantniji. Razlivanje boje. Dobija se efekat izmaglice i neke apstraktne atmosfere. Boje trebaju biti prirodne. Plava, braon, oker, zelena. Već u startu deluje zanimljivo. Sve liči na neku dečiju igru sa bojama, ali nakon toga. . .
The first strokes with colors are the most interesting. Paint spillage. The effect of haze and some abstract atmosphere is obtained. Colors should be natural. Blue, brown, ocher, green. It seems interesting right from the start. Everything looks like a child's game with colors, but after that. . .
Za ovakvu tehniku stvaranja, potrebni su slojevi i sušenje. Ok, počinjem sa detaljima kojim završavam moj rad.
For this technique of creation, layers and drying are required. Ok, I'll start with the details to end my work.
Slika je gotova i ja sam prilično zadovoljna. Kao što sam već jednom rekla, akvarel je najteža tehnika pogotovo ako dok slikate paralelno pečete i pitu detetu za večeru. U jednom trenutku nisam znala da li mešam brašno ili boje! 😀
Na kraju su i slika i pita dobro ispali! 🥰💪👏 Tutorijali su super stvar, ali ako ne znate da slikate onda vam neće puno pomoći, talenat je ipak neophodan. Mada sam jednom pričitala: - 1% talenat, 99% vežbanja!
Tako da. . .samo uporno! 👋
The painting is finished and I am quite satisfied. As I said once before, watercolor is the most difficult technique, especially if you're also baking a pie for your child while you're painting. At one point I didn't know if I was mixing flour or colors! 😀
In the end, both the picture and the pie turned out well! 💪👏 Tutorials are a great thing, but if you don't know how to paint then they won't help you much, talent is still necessary. Although I once read: - 1% talent, 99% practice!
So that. . .just persistent! 👋
Pozdrav od Anke vragolanke.
Greetings from Anka vregolana!
The result is incredible, I love the effect of the spontaneous brush strokes, it is as if the rider were in motion. Incredible!
Yes. I have always appreciated creativity, spontaneity, daring and courage for unexpected and new approaches to painting.🎨💪👏☝️
Thank you very much for the compliment and visiting my blog @nicxi !
Woww.. beautifully made:)
Thank you my dear...🌹
¡Gran dibujo a acuarelas, me gustó!.
Me alegro de que te guste. ¡Gracias por el comentario! 👋
👌 well done 🎨🖌️
@gatubela 🌹👋
Amazing love the final result, nice technique !
Thank you! 🐎🎨👋
This is awesome @vragolana !! I loved how the speckles help give the impression of movement to your art piece. It is like seeing the horse really galloping on dirt and moving clouds of it up in the air. Nice color contrast using the blue hue (versus the yellow-orange for the dirt) great color choices there. 😊
Thank you @lourencoalart ! 👋